Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Fake Vs Genuine People: 8 Ways To Identify Them

How can you tell a genuine person from the one who's just being fake nice to you? You can literally sink hundreds of hours into books about human psychology trying to figure that out, or... You can check these 8 illustrations that might give you an idea about it.
The guys at Lifehack have come up with a shortlist of 8 main differences between genuine and fake people. And while we don't recommend you start judging everybody by these illustrations, some of them sure seem spot on. From the way some people act in bigger crowds to the way they keep their promises.


Genuine People Vs. Fake People
lifehack Report

Genuine People Vs. Fake People  

Genuine People Vs. Fake People 

Genuine People Vs. Fake People 

Genuine People Vs. Fake People 

Genuine People Vs. Fake People 

Genuine People Vs. Fake People 

Genuine People Vs. Fake People 

Source: boredpanda.com