Tuesday, February 5, 2013

February Post / Playing Marbles

Coming Soon the next segment.

Playing Marbles

Have you ever played a game of marbles in the dirt.

First you draw a circle, the size depends on how many are playing and how good of a player that you are. Then you draw a pitching line about four feet away from the circle. Who ever is chosen to go first pitches their marble to the line standing behind the circle. The player that gets their marble closest to the line gets to go first.

You take the marble that is your shooter, usually your favorite or the one that has helped you win the most games. You squat down on one knee and take the marble in your hand and shoot it toward the circle. After much practice you will be able to shoot it quite a distance.

What you want to do to win, is to shoot as many marbles out of the circle as you can in one turn.

We were not allows to play for keeps, as we were told that this was a form of gambling. When we played we got to keep all of the marbles that we had when we started playing the game.

You would trade marbles with your friends to get a prettier cat eye marble or a marble with your favorite colors.

You could buy a pack of marbles in the 50's for five cents and you would get ten marbles and a log roller, which was a larger marble to shoot with in some games. A log roller would help you knock out more marbles.

Palmer Waters

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