Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Meeting The King And The Queen

We loved to have get-togethers at our house and have the young kids our age come over and visit for the weekend.

We would always have a cookout and have a singing where everyone brought their instruments (piano, guitars, flute, clarinet, saxophone and accordion.) Whoever didn't have an instrument just got to sing along with the playing of the instruments. We really had a lot of fun doing this whenever we got together.

We also would play table games like Monopoly, Caroms, Checkers, Chinese Checkers, Parcheesi, and Scrabble.

We also had some party games we liked to play and the one we will tell you about today was; Meeting The King and the Queen. Anyone that was there that had never met the King and the Queen was fair game for us to blind fold them so that they could meet the King and the Queen.

Our mother would sit in one chair and we would have the person that was blind-folded to bend over and bow before the King and the Queen. We would have them shake the Kings hand and then kiss the Queens hand. (before we would take the blind-fold off, we would have my dad cross his leg and put his bare foot up where they would think that they had kissed the foot instead.) Whenever we would take the blindfold off the person would think that they had kissed the foot and they would be wiping their mouth to get the taste of the foot off. Then they would get to watch as the next person did was blind-folded and went through the process again and then see there reaction.

Some days we would play six or seven games like this and we would have so much fun at these get-togethers.

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