Monday, September 8, 2014

Two Letter State Abbreviations

In 1963, the US Postal service began the use of zip codes and two letter state abbreviations. I still get confused with some of them. We learned the states and their capitals early in elementary school. We didn't study state abbreviations, but we should have. What's Mo.? Montana? No, that's Mt. Mo. is Missouri. Here's an easy one, Ma., got to be Maine, right? Wrong, Ma. is Massachusetts. Maine is Me. OK, I see, using the first 2 letters, Minnesota would be Mi. Nope, Mi. is Michigan, see? Sorry, Mn. is Minnesota. Md. is Maryland, Ms. is Mississippi. So, does anybody reading this live in Ar.? Arizona, no wait, that's Az. What other A states are there? Oh, Ak., which is not Arkansas, but Alaska. How about Newbraska and Westconsin? I used to hear truckers saying those. How about Mizzoorah? Or Illynoise? Let's have a roll call - put your city and state and I don't care if you use abbreviations like S. Dak, Mich, Tenn, or Wash.

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