Friday, April 21, 2017

Growing Up In A Small Town

1. You know the population of your town because it's on the sign as you enter.

2. You can name everyone in your high school graduation class.

3. If you said a swear word, your parents knew about it within an hour.

4. It was cool to date somebody from the neighboring town.

5. You gave directions by people, not street names. (Turn at the Nelson house, go east to Andersons) and it's four houses left of the track field.)

6. You saw at least one friend a week driving his tractor through town.

7. All directions included "the 4 way stop" as a reference.

8. Your teachers mentioned when they had your parents in class.

9. The closest mall, movie theater, and McDonald's was a long drive.

10. You've "parked" with a date behind a barn.

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